Ok so probably every girl wants the perfect look and figure, but have you even thought about your hair? Well today I'm here to help you treat your hair and start caring for it more. So here are a couple of tips on how to get this!
TIP 1= So this is two things in one, keeping a healthy diet, this comes under every category of keeping yourself beautiful but healthy at the same time. So eat your proteins, vitamins, fibres but if you're like me who craves for carbohydrates, then we'll have to cut them down but fruits and veg we'll never have to cut them, unless you eat too much of them. If you eat more fruit and veg then your daily meals, then you'll start getting ill, for example, you have a packet of oranges and you eat them all at the same time then you'll get effected most in the digestive system, and that's not what we want. Water you can drink as much as you like, but don't drink it too much you wanna go to the toilet every 5 minutes! This tip will hydrate your hair naturally to give it that shine you strive for.
TIP 2= moisturising and cleasing your hair is just as important as hydrating your hair to give you healthy looking hair. Hence the reason shampoo was invented. To moisturise and clean your hair of all the bad bacteria that's fallen onto it. You should massage your shampoo right to the tips of your roots and ends of your hair. Oh and don't forget to rinse it out properly! Shampoo will help you halfway so do look at the directions on the back of the shampoo bottle to how to put it on properly.
TIP 3= If you have split ends try to get a shampoo for split ends and that will try prevent them, also keep a healthy diet and that should do some good.
TIP 4= Try to comb your hair but don't comb it too much otherwise your hair will get greasy. Ewwww!
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