Tuesday 28 August 2012

Control ur Impatience ;)

Everyone has impatience. It's in our genes, it's natural. You get impatience and end up stressing, and we all know that stressing gives us WHITE hairs- even when you're still in your teens or maybe younger. So now I'm going to help you be less impatient and have MORE patience, and these tips- trust me, they'll help you alot.
Tip 1: Instead of putting your mind to that one thing you're anxious about, travel it to something else- something that will bring a little grin to your face unexpectedly, whether it's sleep or food, (I can let you in on a little thing of mine, the thing that brings a smile on my face, is white chocolate fountains, cupcakes, chubby hearts and bows, I know GIRLY or what- I just find them soo yummy and cute,) then I totally forget about what all my stress was about, you'll maybe even realise how fast time went.
Tip 2: You'll end up getting angry and bashful, so follow the tips on anger control I posted yesterday.
Tip 3: Try entertaining yourself, like try touching your nose with your tongue, or try a little game that you're not supposed to think of penguins (trust me it's hard), it will keep you busy for a while. You'll be satisfied with games like this, all you have to do is not to worry too much, otherwise you'll end up breaking something. Trust me, (didn't I already say that?) I been there, done that, never want to do it again. Hope you enjoyed my mini story of tips, and good luck, when it gets to that certain stage, when you're impatient and frustrated. Enjoy!

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