Tuesday 28 August 2012

Having a wordly desire.

If you are literally in love with something, but there's something stopping you(e.g haven't enough money, or you're not aloud it,) if I see something I have to moan to some one to get it for me, otherwise I keep dreaming about it then totally forget about it if you're addicted to this certain object or desire, here are a few tips to help you, either forget about it or help you into getting it:

If you love it that much....

Tip 1: If you haven't got enough money, and you love it that much you've GOT to have it, just raise money, and it's just simple if you've got a brilliant talent, whether you have a strong, beautiful singing voice, or have the dancing moves or even good artistic hands, you can sell your talent to other people, for money, not to mention you'll build up your confidence. Therefore, in the end, you'll have a good business with good money as well as your confidence building up. You're killing two birds with one stone, how fabulous is that? If you carry on even more, you could be a world hit! Whether you're on the news, or you get in the world records book. You could be the next story, and all you wanted was to raise enough money to buy your desire. Come on guys, you got to admit it can happen if you try hard enough and you know what I said before- Persaverance never loses.

If you're convinced you haven't got a talent, you can yank that sad look off your face because everyone has a talent, you might have not figured it out yet, you might not even tried hard enough, but if you have and you want a specific talent keep practising, you know what they say, Practise Makes Perfect. Never be intimidated by not having a talent, we all have one, God gave us a tweak, to make us even more special, we have a hidden talent and we have to figure it out all on our own, it's an adventure, a fun adventure...

Tip 2: If you're not aloud it, there are several ways to accomplish this,
Firstly, Bribe your parents/guardians.
Secondly, be a good, helpful, magnanimous (magnanimous also means kind), to your elders but be pleasant to the little ones, they should realise you make an effort.
Thirdly and lastly, whether you're at school still, or work, make sure you get flawless feedback, and excellent grades, then you'll have something to say if your parents/guardians say NO, like "But, I got good grades/ brilliant feedback , if you want me to get the opposite statements and make sure EVERYONE knows..." you got to add a consequence unexpectedly, don't make it too blaitant. Otherwise, it will sound fishy, as if you won't really do bad in the future.

If you don't know whether it is, what it seemed...

If you don't think what your desired item is what it seemed, well here's a few useful tips:

Tip 1: If they offer samples, always try them out, even if they look from manky, to old. All it basically is, is a randomly chosen item been put as a free sample or a sample to try out. If they have testers, use those too, just in case.

Tip 2: If they take refunds, you should be able to buy them and if you're not satisfied with them you can give them back, they might give you a period of time to give them back, therefore be cautious. If they do not take refunds, I recommend not to purchase the item, just in case it's terrible quality and you spent money on nothing. If they take exchanges but not refunds, then I would still be unsure, just incase all the items in the retailers, are not good enough to buy.

So enjoy all these useful tips, and of course good luck in when you actually need these. ;D
 You probably thought this is a little different from what I'd be doing, but I'll be doing these every week, just for a little sparkling tweak to add.


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